Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Azam Tahun Baru
Good Bye 2009.. Welcome 2010.. I guess still ok for me to wish everybody Happy New Year.. !Most important, I wanna start my 2010 with lafaz 'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... '
Amacam azam baru..? Dah fulfill all your target for 2009..? ada yg kena carry forward x..? hehe.. Well for me.. azam tahun baru biasanya sama jer seperti tahun yg sudah2.. Yang penting perlu tingkatkan diri and achieve more in this new year activity. But still ada laa a few wish yg I need to give priority.. antaranya..
1. 2nd Baby.. rasanya Darwisy dah cukup besar utk dpt adik baru, lgpun sesuai laa sbg teman/kawan di rumah while umi & Abi working kan. Tp ni terpulang pada rezeki laa.. I cuma merancang.. Apa2 pun production must start now.. haha
2. Get promoted..! Ni sebenarnya misi last year.. tp sbb economy crisis, kena laa posponed to this year. Hope peluang I semakin cerah.. pray for me yea..!
3. Learn to be a good Cooker.. hmmm kalo perasan I x pernah pun tulis what did I cook or my menu of the day in any entry. Sebabnya I x berpeluang 100% pun utk mengerahkan tenaga to do this cooking activity di rumah. I kan living with my parents in law.. so can say that kitchen portion is my MIL territory some more taste diorang x sama dgn taste my own family. So.. for the pass 3years, I only able to contribute as a helper in the kitchen and not as the main chef. Tp x laa sampai x masak langsung kan.. sometime kalo my MIL was away.. I laa yg jadi tukang masak ( x beli lauk luar tau). Kadang2 envy jugak dgn kawan2 yg tinggal asing dari keluarga. They can try to cook any new dish and of course practice make perfect rite.. So for this year.. I target to upgrade my knowledge and skill in cooking. Belajar how to cook and take note on the secret recepi of the family.. hmm
4. Makesure my hubby eat a lot of Vege.. haha.. agak susah sebenarnya, sbb my hubby ni x suka makan sayur.. tp sayur kan bagus utk kesihatan.. so some how I kena force jugak de hubs to eat a lot of vege. **kalo B baca, sila bagi perhatian n get ready yea..!! :p
5. Nak menjinakkan diri dgn CD (Cloth Diapering). Memandangkan Darwisy boleh consider as a heavy wetter.. amatlaa byk budget utk membeli pampers. hoho penat woOooo.. tp bila u guys tgk hasil buangan.. fuyoooooo 'Besar punyaaa'.. isk iskkk. So as a part of my role towards mother nature.. I've to start to get use with this new CD thingy.. ( dah beli 2 set as a start.. hehe)
6. Make sure my lil' Darwisy get early education exposure and living in healtier enviroment & surrounding. I will pangkah mana2 unsur influence yg tidak bagus utk Darwisy.. this will include Abi's bad habits, cousin talking nonsense, No-No watching stupid cartoon eg: SpongeBob, Doraemon & etc. Budak2 skrg sgt laa bijak and easily get influenced, so as a parent I kena give extra attention on this.
7. Slalu bermuhasabah diri & perbetulkan kesilapan & tdk menuding jari/ mencari kesilapan org lain. Kena jadi seorang yg pemaaf & x malu nk minta maaf kalo tersilap.. (kurangkan ego dlm diri). Sgt penting sebenarnya.. utk kita dptkan ketenangan jiwa & membentuk akhlak/personality yg baik.. chewahhh.. but I'm serious bout this..!
Hmm.. bila menulis.. nmpak simple jer, but it's not easy actually. Hopefully apa yg I target & impikan for this year, can be achieved.. InsyaAllah. Yg penting perlu ada usaha & diiringi dgn Doa. To all my frens and family.. I wish you guys luck & happiness for this new Year 2010!!
Posted by Heart at 1/12/2010 05:45:00 PM 0 comment
Labels: Must Share, Pot Pet