Saturday, April 11, 2009


Blocked..Blocked.. & Blocked...Kali ni blogspot pulak yg di blocked.. so kami2 yg bekerja di ofis ni terpaksa laa menjalankan tugas kami seperti robot. xder langsung masa2 utk merilexkan diri seketika.

Memandangkan kebanyakkan website telah diblocked apa lagi yg menarik boleh di browse yer..? Masalahnya apa saja pun nk browse skrg ni kena lebih becareful sbb dgrnya geng2 IT yg xder keja tu tgh dok monitor kami skrg ni. Maybe they think we have nothing to do.. tp sapa yg xdak keja sebenarnya nyer ar..???

De question rite now, bila kami dah complete kan keja.. apa lagi yg boleh dibuat yer.. nak browse internet pun byk sgt halangan..aar..? Nak tido jer laa kat tempat keja boleh x..?

2 comment:

hijriah-hidayad-hiwayat April 11, 2009 at 10:54 AM  

apa lg...kluaq shoppin la...hang kan suka shopping.


kucinbelemoih April 11, 2009 at 4:47 PM  

pasni dah abih keja, kita p tgk movie la.2-3 jam ja. heheh..

Belongs to..

A twenty something lady, who drives 45minutes to works everyday.. Proud to be wife to incredibly loving and supportive husband (Mr.Amin) and blessed with a lovely charming lil' prince (Darwisy).

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