Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One Two Three

I nak citer kisah pagi tadi about my lil' Darwisy.

Waktu I tgh cbok di dapur.. my son pun sama naik laa tahap kesibukkannya.. bila I nak bersiang ikan.. mula laa dgr pish.. pish.. dari mulut comel si kecik tu. Bila I tgh memotong sayur dia pun tolong laa sama nk ceduk sayur dalam bekas.

I masukkan potato dgn kacang panjang sekali dlm 1 bekas... then Darwisy ambik bekas tu.. lari jauh ckit dari tempat I.. so I pun biarkan jer.. asalkan dia x merapkan I dah laa.. sambil tu I tgh memotong bendi.. suddenly I dgr Darwisy sebut.. wan.. tu.. T..! I salah dgr ker..?

Then I tgk laa apa yg dikerjakan si Darwisy ni.. rupanya dia keluarkan 1 persatu 1 potato dari bekas ke atas papan pemotong sambil counting 1, 2, 3... seriyesss...my MIL pun ada kat ctu.. and kami dgr sendiri apa yg Darwisy kata.

I nk mengkonfirmkan lagi kejadian tersebut, sajalaa i sebut ONE, bila Darwisy picked a potato.. then Darwisy followed by Tu, picked another potato.. I repeat lagi Two.. he completed it with T... (refer to Three).. sambil tangan masih lagi main dgn potato2 yg lain...wahhh.. betul laa apa yg I dgr tadi..

Alhamdulillah.. I mmg agak terkejut dan gumbira menyaksikan sendiri saat2 mcm ni. Maklumlaa being a working Mother.. kadang2 kita boleh missed saat2 terjadinya 1st action/word from our little baby.. so I really..really appreciate this momment..!

Agaknya Darwisy dah mula faham One, Two, Three is used to count something. InsyaAllah I want to educate him more and more in future.

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Belongs to..

A twenty something lady, who drives 45minutes to works everyday.. Proud to be wife to incredibly loving and supportive husband (Mr.Amin) and blessed with a lovely charming lil' prince (Darwisy).

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